My last post was about the ease of using the right to information act.
The friend whose blog i linked to who had described his RTI application, has received a reply from the Public Information Officer (PIO)
Every question asked has been answered.While I would say that the answers were not 100% satisfactory but not far from it either!
They give you the information which is a good start point for pursuing the cause further. The RTI gives you the ammunition to take what are the recognised facts to the authrities. Media can quote this information as this is on record.
The authorities can be questioned as to the whys and why nots of what the PIO tells you. More importantly it gives you an indication as to who is responsible for the problem /issue at hand and you can think of a targeted approach to this
I am through the experience of this friend convinced that RTI is a good starting point and we all must use it as and when
Update on personal front - second post in not such a long time - so the 'revival' attempt seems on track - too early to say though
Gymming has begun to happen three days a week at least - and it has been more than three days :)
I have an interesting angle to the Raj Thackrey point of view on us Non - Mumbaikars which i shall reserve for the next post!
13 years ago