The Wedding Day - I am told - hopefully I am still far from the experience - is one of the most significant days of the couple's life.
Having said that, celebration is a very broad term, a feeling that can be expressed in a variety of formats. A large gathering,an elaborate dinner, lighting, music and dance are some forms of expressing this feeling that have come to been recognised as celebrations.Does the lack of pomp and show therefore reflect lack of celebration? Does the need to eliminate a large group from joining in take away from the feeling.
The recent attempts of coverage made to cover Ash-Abhi wedding by the Indian and International news channels is a stark example of forcing a format of celebration. A celebrity wedding must be covered for the people as they are the ones who made them a celebrity! This arguement has been put forward by the broadcasters to Justify their attempts at somehow trying to capture footage of what they have made to appear like a Super Human Wedding. This arguement is as fallacious as all employees of a company wanting to be a part of their CEO's wedding as they are the people who run the company which makes him the CEO. Abhishek and Aishwarya have the right to feel human on a day that will shape the rest of their lives.
My parents had a court marraige and most of their close friends also were not invited becuase they preferred it that way. That according to them was a way of celebrating as they wanted to celebrate the moment that way. We often respect similar sentiments of our near and dear ones, then why not respect such feelings of people who we only know remotely through mass mediums.
The Indian society at large, (it is the fault of society, in my opinion, and not media as media only reflects upon what the society at large wants to see) can only see celebrations as a stereotype song ,dance and good food sequence.
13 years ago
Well said Harsh ! could not agree more on that. The news channelds lining up in front of AB's house, chasing their cars et al was stupid - least to say.
It reminds me of my old hindi teacher saying "Sahitya samaj ka darpan hota hai"
Pankaj Prakash
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